Khabar pelakon popular Neelofa baru-baru ini telah mengejutkan ramai pihak di mana ada yang mengatakan Neelofa telah menjadi isteri ketiga kepada seorang bekas menteri.

Khabar angin ini telah meluas ke semua lama sosial menyebabkan rasa ketidak puas hati Neelofa tentang perkara ini. Akibat khabar angin dan jika dibiarkan mungkin akan menjadi parah lagi Neelofa telah tampil menidakkan dan menyanggah isu ini.

Neelofa telah memberi penjelasan yang sebenar dan menulis kapsyen seperti di bawah.

“I’m 26, single and in no rush to get married. Marriage is a big deal for me and should I get married I WILL definitely share it with the world.

“There's no reason for me to hide this magical episode of my life when this is one of the occasions that I want to celebrate with everybody that has been supporting and love me unconditionally.
“This will be one of the biggest decisions in my life and in the Name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful, whatever delusional perceptions / gossips about me being the third wife of an ex minister is RUBBISH!

“Totally RUBBISH! I wish that all of you pray the best for me to be guided and able to make obviously better decision that this irrelevant gossip,”

Neelofa dah beritahu semua tentang perkara ini kan? So tak perlu kita panjang-panjangkan lagi yer..