Hari ni dalam dunia hiburan dikejutkan dengan pemergian seorang pelawak yang terkenal dikenali Yus jambu raja lawak. Arwah meninggal dunia awal pagi tadi di Hospital Selayang selepas sesak nafas.

Arwah disemadikan di kampugnya di Perlis. Pemergian mengejut tu buat ramai yang terkejut dan sedih dengan pemergian pelawak tu pergi secara tiba-tiba tapi dah ajal kan..

Dalam kesedihan ni ada pulak dok ambik kesempatan nak berniaga. Muncul seorang mamat sengal dok sibuk promosi insurans dia jual. Bengong betul mamat ni kan! Dah la dok promote tu sambil kait dengan orang yang dah tak ada.

Miss baca ni pun rasa bengang aje dengan mamat Yuzaidi ni, mau dihentuk-hentuk kepala tu kat dinding aje! Tak hormati langsung dengan arwah, nak promote pun agak-gak la. Arwah tu baru aje disemadikan tau tak??

Lepas mamat ni dimuatnaik status dia cenggini ramai yang hentam dia balik! Yola nak berniaga tak kena masanya. Lagi satu kait dengan orang baru aje pergi buat selama-lamanya pula, sapa tak marah kan! -

The sudden death of a local comedian turned out to be a bad punchline for an overly enterprising insurance agent who bit the bullet and apologised for carelessly associating the passing of famous comedian/entertainer Yussry Edoo, also known as Yus Jambu, with a life insurance scheme.

Facebook user Yuzaidi Yussof apologised to the public via a post in his own Facebook page which read:

“Mohon maaf kepada semua peminat2 Arwah Yus Jambu. Tiada niat utk saya mengaitkan kematian arwah dgn apa2 agenda. Saya mengaku mmg silap saya. Cara penyampaian yg mengaibkan diri sendiri. Hanyalah bermatlamat utk menyampaikan kesedaran tapi tidak kene pada tempat dan masa. (I apologise to all fans of the late Yus Jambu. I have no intention to associate his death with any agenda. I admit it was my fault. The way I wrote it embarrassed myself. I was only trying to advise but it was the wrong place and time).”

Yus Jambu passed away this morning about 1am at Selayang Hospital and was believed to have suffered a heart attack.
Yuzaidi’s original post has since been deleted but a screencap of it was shared via social media.

“Al Fatihah kepada arwah Yus Jambu Maharaja Lawak yg meninggal dunia akibat serangan jantung. Kamu seusia beliau? Masih fikir kamu akan hidup 1,000 tahun lagi? Bagi saya RM100 sebulan untuk saya sediakan cek RM500,000 kepada isteri dan anak2. #Allianz #Premierlink sedia membantu mereka. (Al Fatihah to the late Yus Jambu of Maharaja Lawak who passed away due to heart attack. Are you in the same age as him? Still think that you will live another 1,000 years? Give me RM100 monthly and I will prepare a check worth up to RM500,000 for your wife and kids. #Allianz #Premierlink is here to help them) wrote Yuzaidi in the original post on his Facebook page.

His post went viral on several social media platform such as Facebook and Twitter and received over 161 likes and 716 retweets aside from a number of negative remarks from netizens who were angered with Yuzaidi’s insensitive act.

“Just boycott this insurance company,” commented one Twitter user, @Ahfeng_96.
“They like to associate someone else’s misery and pain with their insurance product,” commented another Twitter user, @prenkpurter.

Attempts to contact Yuzaidi, who had included his phone number in the original post, proved unsuccessful as of press time.